Preble County, Ohio Barn Quilts List
– Feb 3, 2016
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
OH-68-01 Preble Untitled Unger Farms 06-2015 N39 44.662 W84 36.009 E. of Eaton, Washington Township. US36 E. 1.9 miles from jct with US127 in Eaton to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1945.
OH-68-02   Untitled Ed Rike Plumbing 06-2015 N39 51.876 W84 31.585 NE of Lewisburg, Harrison Township. Verona Rd. NE 0.7 miles from jct with US40 on the E. side of Lewisburg to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 7667.